
A Service That Fuses Brand Creation With Brand Protection

2024 Jan 26, 2024
A Service That Fuses Brand Creation With Brand Protection

Brand creation and brand protection are two different worlds so that the impact of  intellectual property (IP) on brand designs is rarely considered.

You need an experienced trademark lawyer to guide you to select colours or other assets, so you maximize your chances of becoming known and identified by reference to that colour or asset.

Today is the last day to get IP support for your visual identity if you buy the Brand Tuned-Up service.

It’s difficult to own a colour, and certain other brand assets, because they’re “unconventional marks”, that means you may never be able to trademark them.

To improve your chances of success involves having a strategy to use such identifiers in the right way.

Don't let your brand suffer due to a lack of understanding of IP.

A couple of years ago a branding/marketer friend I’d lost touch with, asked why I was talking about branding on LinkedIn when I discussed my Brand Tuned podcast.

She wasn’t following the podcast, and wasn't aware of my new book Brand Tuned, the new rules of branding, strategy and intellectual property.

So she associated me purely with intellectual property, not with brands and branding.

I was surprised that a brand consultant of her calibre, who was relatively well informed about IP, didn’t appreciate that a brand IS intellectual property. There is no reason why an IP lawyer and author of Legally Branded (a book she was aware I’d written) should not discuss branding.

She is by no means unusual. Most people don’t know how IP impacts brands and branding because the two worlds are miles apart.

That's why I decided to train in brand management. I see a need for a service that combines brand creation and brand protection in a joined-up way.

So, I've now introduced the Brand Tuned-Up service for entrepreneurs, experts etc who are branding, or rebranding, and want to position themselves to attract their ideal clients.  The offer includes visual identity.

You’ll get access to resources to understand the ‘what and why’ of brand and have some 1 on 1 sessions with me to clarify your business objectives and decide on a brand plan that differentiates and positions you distinctly.  You'll also choose an appropriate name.

We'll do international trademark clearance searches on your short list of names till we identify one that's available in all the markets you intend to trade within.

To buy the current offer that includes a visual identity as a Bonus (i.e. logo, font/colour palette and brand guidelines) you’ll need to complete the client questionnaire for the Brand Tuned-Up service before the end of the day.

This is a one off offer that will not be repeated. In future the Brand Tuned-Up visual identity designs will be a lot more expensive.