
Want to create a unique brand that

stands out long term and can’t be

stolen or copied by using IP effectively?

Training in intellectual property and branding


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Workshop and training


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Our Story: Why Brand Tuned Exists


Hi I’m Shireen, an IP (intellectual property) lawyer. I began specialising in IP when I worked as an in-house lawyer at Reuters. I subsequently did a Masters’ degree in IP and founded my own IP law firm, Azrights in 2005. As a law firm owner, I soon became aware of the multitude of problems small businesses were experiencing due to their own AND their branding advisers’ lack of understanding of IP.

I decided to learn about branding and to write Brand Tuned to find out why the worlds of brand protection and brand creation were so separated. In the process I discovered that marketers and designers are not trained in IP. They pick up the knowledge they need about IP through experience. But that approach doesn’t work because there are so many myths and misconceptions about IP. So people tend to act on and pass on incorrect information. A little knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing when it comes to IP. By its nature IP needs to be precisely learnt and applied.

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